Here is a sampling of work I did before moving to Tobago in 1994. There are shaman images inspired by Joeseph Campbell readings; electronic and robotic works created while working with Vere De Vault and Ted Pope at the University of Wisconsin; charcoal and pastel drawings; sculpts from working at Medalcraft Mint in Green Bay WI. and, a portrait & self-portrait from a 2007 series. Below these I have listed some earlier exhibits I took part in.
Exhibitions 1994 and earlier
1994 - Recent Work – Solo Exhibit of drawings, University of Texas at Dallas.
1991 - Installations – Faculty Exhibit, University of Texas at Dallas.
1991 – 9th Annual September National Competition, Alexandria Museum of Art, Alexandria, Louisiana
1989 - Electronic and Computer Controlled Works, Solo exhibition. Godschalx Gallery, St. Norbert College, Depere, WI.
1988 - 46th Art Annual Traveling Exhibit, Neville Public Museum, Green Bay, WI. *Ft. Howard Purchase Award.
1987 - 30th Annual Beloit and Vicinity Exhibition, Wright Museum of Art, Beloit, WI.
1986 - The American Annual Works on Paper Exhibition, Zaner Gallery, Rochester, New York.
1986 - 29th Annual Beloit and Vicinity Exhibition, Wright Museum of Art, Beloit WI. *Best of Show Award.
1986 - 61st Rockford and Vicinity Exhibition, Rockford Art Museum, Rockford, IL
1986 - Wisconsin 86, University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point, WI
1991 - Installations – Faculty Exhibit, University of Texas at Dallas.
1991 – 9th Annual September National Competition, Alexandria Museum of Art, Alexandria, Louisiana
1989 - Electronic and Computer Controlled Works, Solo exhibition. Godschalx Gallery, St. Norbert College, Depere, WI.
1988 - 46th Art Annual Traveling Exhibit, Neville Public Museum, Green Bay, WI. *Ft. Howard Purchase Award.
1987 - 30th Annual Beloit and Vicinity Exhibition, Wright Museum of Art, Beloit, WI.
1986 - The American Annual Works on Paper Exhibition, Zaner Gallery, Rochester, New York.
1986 - 29th Annual Beloit and Vicinity Exhibition, Wright Museum of Art, Beloit WI. *Best of Show Award.
1986 - 61st Rockford and Vicinity Exhibition, Rockford Art Museum, Rockford, IL
1986 - Wisconsin 86, University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point, WI